
As a young poor musician, my knowledge of sound recording, got me into tv production. It was a vibrant environment and through the next years I eagerly went from soundrecording, through various departments, to producer.

I then got hired as 1. Ad at newly opened Zentropa studios in Copenhagen, on Lars von Triers “Stillebækken”.

A few years later, I became partner in the commercial filmproduction company to be; “Far from Hollywood A/S”.
As the company expanded into tv series and grew with partners and departments in Island, Norway, France and Vietnam, my day to day work became increasingly administrative.

And as the company was sold in 2017, I went back to my pedigree as a 1. Ad.

I truly love the mechanics on a set, and I admire competent film workers.
I believe I have a true talent for creating a positive and effective set, based on respect and human insight.

And that’s what makes me tick.